Im a fan of Unturned (on steam), PC version. Why am i not a fan of the mobile? It is the worst thing I have ever seen.
*Clears throat*
In the inventory, you cant see your model. For some reason, the title is "AR Gaming" when downloaded. You start with a pistol. No map interface. There is three copies of this with different names. Multiplayer doesnt work.
Zombies spawn right in front of you, making it really hard not to die without a melee weapon. Only one vehicle in the entire game. Perfectly chopped Wood planks lying around everywhere. Very hard to get food and water if your new and you wont know where to get it. The chat bar is so small you need a microscope to see it. Not many guns. zombies randomly jump, even if there not attacking you. The entire map is a forest. The signs say villages, so half the time you dont know where you are. The zombies look like a third grader drew the faces, then stomped on it and soaked it in water, giving it that nice Microsoft paint look. When you use something, like bandages or eat food, the animation looks like you threw it over your shoulder, or smashed it in your face. Guns arent necessary, since every melee weapon except wood is a one hit kill. Terrible HUD. The only food I can find in the entire game are bottled water, and French fries. (Which are in a cup with a M on it.) the weapons are very hard to find, and you find them in the weirdest of places. The app thumbnail is the zombie face from Unturned on Steam By Nelson sexton. Barely any items in general. Sandbox took 5 minutes to make. Im getting bored of saying all of this, but theres about 20 more reasons why this is really bad.PLEASE DONT GET THIS.
Travis gallant about My Uncrowded, v1.0